clovr sign in the administration building

We Received our TCO!

By CLOVR Cannabis

October 13 2020

clovr news

Awesome! So … uh, what does getting a TCO mean?

clovr logo on their new building

What is a TCO?

Receiving our TCO (Temporary Certificate of Occupancy) means the city has declared that our building is up to code and suitable for occupancy.  From a cannabis standpoint (this is really what we all care about, right?) this just means we are one major step closer to being able to apply for our commencement inspection with the DHSS.  Once we pass the commencement inspection we get to start manufacturing. This means that we will soon be bringing the finest marijuana products to all MJ consumers in the state.

So we are moving in! Here are a few picture updates:

clovr employees set up the new facility

the tco allows clovr to build out the extraction lab

clovr extraction lab being built

clovr employees meet with the gas company

attaching the clovr sign to the exterior of the facility

clovr facility build out

clovr shipping and receiving sign installation

clovr facility entrance

restrooms at the new facility

clovr administrative room before buildout

clovr bathroom sign for all people


conference room before build out

clovr employees check in building materials

the tco allows clovr to build out the beverage room

room before buildout

employee entrance before buildout
TCO update

With the facility build out, CLOVR is now producing some of the finest marijuana products like chocolates, vape pens and live sugar for all marijuana users in Missouri. Find out products at your favorite dispensary. If they don’t carry them, ask them to!