glass jar with marijuana buds and a joint

Cannabis Storage | Tips for the New User

By CLOVR Cannabis

April 2 2021


Now that you’re a bona-fide medical marijuana patient and you have your new card and have procured your first batches of medicine, an important part to know is how to store your cannabis.  There are several factors that can hamper the quality – and therefore the effectiveness – of your medicine.  Cannabis that dries out can lose some of  its potency.  Cannabis that is too moist can get moldy and also lose potency (not to mention acquire a stinky smell!).  And let’s face it – cannabis has a strong odor, so knowing how about cannabis storage so it doesn’t smell up your whole house is also something new to know.

And as always, keeping your cannabis stored in a safe place away from children, animals and those around you who don’t smoke is extremely important.  So let’s take a look at some cannabis storing tips for you – the new medical marijuana patient!

Leaving it high and dry

While most people themselves don’t like to be left ‘high and dry’ for cannabis, this is essential.  Your new batch of medicine probably came in a semi-air tight container.  If it did, then we suggest leaving it in that container.  Chances are the container itself is childproof as well.  If it’s not, then using plastic kitchen storage containers (think Tupperware) will work – though, keep in mind, these are not childproof.  I personally use two plastic containers to help keep my marijuana from being exposed to too much air.

picture of plastic kitchen containers with multicolored lids

And if you’re like me and stock up, then separating your cannabis into smaller batches will help keep it from drying out.  Once you get your larger stash at home, be sure to keep only about a week’s worth in each container so that when you open the container only a smaller amount will be exposed to air and begin to dry out.

Then once you have your containers designated, we suggest labeling them very clearly with “MJ” or something to let others know this is not oregano or another herb!  Then store them someplace high and out of arm’s reach of children and away from where pets might get into them.  If you have a cat or dog that can jump up on countertops or high places, be cautious of that.  We suggest keeping your airtight, labeled containers on a shelf in a high cabinet that cannot easily be accessed.

empty glass jar with a flip top and rubber seal

My personal choice for long-term cannabis storage?  Flip-top mason jars with a rubber seal.  If they can keep grandma’s jams for months (years?) they will work perfectly for storing your cannabis

Cannabis Storage to Kill the Smell

Marijuana has a very strong and distinct odor (you don’t say?!) and unless you live alone and never have guests, chances are you will want to keep that odor at bay.  The best way to keep the smell from invading your home is to keep it in an airtight container, like described earlier in this post.

There are several different cannabis storage solutions available online and at dispensaries – some are even odor proof.  But again, the best ‘home hacks’ for keeping the cannabis smell contained are plastic kitchen containers or glass mason jars.  Just be careful, of course, since glass is obviously breakable.


So what happens if your cannabis does dry out?  Keep in mind that you cannabis will likely never completely lose its potency but dries out cannabis can decrease it somewhat.  If your cannabis does dry out though, you can rehydrate it.  Rehydrating it doesn’t actually recover the potency but depending on your preferred method of intake, it can help you actually use it.

For example, I personally like to vape my cannabis.  Dried out cannabis can combust much quicker, even if I’m vaping.  Having a little bit of moisture will allow the heat to vaporize the moisture and can help vaporize the cannabis since there is now a mixture of heat and steam.  This allows for lower heats to vaporize the cannabis and a less likelihood of combusting the cannabis.  Combusting the cannabis, even if using a vaping rig or pen, is pretty much the same as smoking it.

So how do you actually rehydrate your cannabis?  Again, there are several solutions available online and in dispensaries but there are also a lot of very effective solutions you likely have right at home.  In your cannabis storage container you can add a slice or piece of bread.  Be sure not to have loose cannabis actually on the bread as it will stick to it and can’t be used (unless you’re into smoking or vaping bread!  Ewww!).  Another solution is a leaf of lettuce or if you don’t mind smells being added to your cannabis, you can stick some fruit peelings in the container.

picture of a group of terracotta pots

The method I use to keep my cannabis moist is – in addition to my multi-layered storage containers – to put a wet piece of terracotta in the container.  You can buy an actual piece of terracotta that is meant for this purpose, or you can grab a piece from a broken flower pot, wet it with water (just until it’s wet, not dripping) and stick it in the container.  You might have to try a few methods at varying levels of moisture to find the right way that works before for you, but all these methods have been used successfully by cannabis smokers for decades.

Too much moisture

But again, be careful:  too much moisture can lead to moldy cannabis.  Even the words ‘moldy cannabis’ sound pretty unpleasant and believe us, moldy cannabis is anything but pleasant.  Mold and mold spores are everywhere.  In tiny quantities it’s usually not a problem, but anyone who’s lived in a place that is prone to high levels of moisture knows that mold can be harmful to your health if too many of those tiny spores are breathed in.

cannabis storage marijuana bud

This is also true for cannabis.  Cannabis flower that has too much moisture can be a magnet for mold spores.  Fire a moldy bud up and breathe it in and now your lungs and body have to deal with the spores.  It’s highly unlikely that this will cause any permanent damage but having more moisture in your lung is never a good idea.

You will know you have moldy cannabis because the sight, smell and taste will be off.  Most of us know what mold looks like and – yep – this is what your cannabis will look like too.  So what can you do if you do have mold cannabis?  Well first, never smoke moldy cannabis.  Just don’t.  It’s never a good idea and it’s best to just dispose of the bad cannabis and get a new stash.  And there’s really no way to get rid of the mold.  You can spray the cannabis with different solutions but realize anything you put on your cannabis will eventually get into your body.

The bottom line

So the bottom line is, you really can’t do anything if you have moldy cannabis.  The only thing you can do is to prevent it from happening in the first place.  While you want to keep your cannabis from drying out, you don’t want to add too much moisture to it and risk it getting moldy.  Like we mentioned before, trying out different ways to keep your cannabis hydrated but not too moist will be the best way to keep your cannabis fresh for longer periods of time.

illustration of a childproof bottle

Keep in mind too, there are many other intake methods that don’t have the added storage steps that actual cannabis and buds do.  There are concentrates, oils, edibles and even drinks.  But no matter the intake method, keeping your cannabis out the hands of kids and animals is paramount.

And if you would like to avoid the smell and extra work, you can always opt for concentrates or